sâmbătă, 16 aprilie 2011

PIXIES (nu e scrisa de mine, am gasit-o pe youtube, dar nici ca poate ingloba mai bine ce inseamna formatia pixies)

The band's style of alternative rock music is heavily influenced by punk and indie rock, and while highly melodic, is capable of being tremendously abrasive at the same time. Francis is the Pixies' primary songwriter and singer and has a distinctly desperate, yowling delivery. He has typically written cryptic songs about offbeat subjects, such as UFOs and surrealism. References to mental instability, violent Biblical imagery, and physical injury feature in many of the band's songs.

miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011

rânced (RANCID)

Ascultă-i, că ai ce invăţa!

+ unii z(y)ic că sunt copzcat dupe THE CLASH   (de RANCID vorbesc)

postscriptum: Ce poate fi mai tare de atât?!

răspuns:    NiMiC